Abs, core and back
This exercise looks a lot like a cable crunch, but it's not since you don't crunch, but bend at the hip!
1. Stand like shown in the picture. Nothing but your hips should move during the exercise!
2. Hold on firmly to your rope-handle and start bringing your head down towards the ground by bending at you hip and pulling with your stomach, keeping your back straight, abs and core tight!
3. When you almost touch the ground, you start going back up to your starting position, keeping the resistance, moving slowly and not bouncing straight up.
4. When reaching your starting position: do it all again!

Hi Terese ! Just let you know that now you are my inspiration to get a better body :) Well I'm not fat but not skinny. I want to get the 6 pack stomach like you and and better buttocks. What should I do? I just do abdominal exercises and run? And the last question , what number of meals I have to do in a day to get a good stomach like yours? Thank you so much
fIrstly I'd just like to say that your such an inspiration! I love you girl your so motivating! I have been swimming professionally for years and hav quit about a year ago but I still have rather muscular arms and because I've lost a lot of weight and the broadness of my shoulders they look out of proportion and I hate them! What can I do to make them smaller/tone them down?! Please help any advice would be great!