Summer workout inspo
Summer time! There isn't a better time to treat yourself for what you have accomplished, or to get something new, bright and fun, like clothes to work out in, or some new equipment to encourage you to give it your best, whatever you've taken on to accomplish!
I would love to have all the things on this pic, especially now for summer! I actually have those top right shorts in blue, coral and mint green, and I love them. They are available in lots of colors and the quality is great, for only 14 $!
Where to find all these goodies? It says below the picture! All these things are available in the U.S., mostly online, and some are available in sweden and the rest of europe as well!

1. H&M
2. H&M
3. Nike
Where to find all these goodies? It says below the picture! All these things are available in the U.S., mostly online, and some are available in sweden and the rest of europe as well!

1. H&M
2. H&M
3. Nike
10. Rebook (Scroll down to find "change location" to the left)

» caroline
hej, kan inte du visa/säga hur ditt matschema ser ut, för jag har problem med maten, blir nästan svullen i magen varje dag, jag äter inte regelbundet, antingen äter jag någon gång per dag och då blir det typ mkt. Skulle vara skönt att veta när, vad och hur mkt du äter, för att jag ser dig verkligen som en inspirationsmänniska :) kram
Karolinaterese Fitness